Reflections on Love & Life- An Interview about the new CD



How would you describe your upcoming record?

 It’s romantic and fun. It celebrates marriage relationships and also being a  mid-life female.

How would you compare it to your last album?

Stylistically, it is similar. It’s soft jazz. This one is more danceable than the last one. The first was romantic mood or dinner music. You can samba, do the 2 step or waltz to this one. The last CD was all cover songs except one original.  This time, I wrote every song but still worked with the same jazz pianist for the arrangements. He’s brilliant.

 When did you start writing songs?

I’ve been writing songs since I was 12 years old. I didn’t do much with them. I didn’t know WHAT to do with them. Back then we didn’t have this global access via the Internet like we do now. My very first song was about an apple tree. LOL! Probably not much market there…

 How do you go about writing songs?

I don’t have a particular way, sometimes I get a melody first; sometimes I get a lyric. Chicken or the egg? It varies!

 What things inspire you to write?

My observations of life, my relationships and the world around me inspire me to make a statement. Everything I write is not biographical. Sometimes it is just a response to a story a friend shares that touches me deeply.

 What’s a favorite lyric from one of the songs on your CD?

“Live the life that we dreamed of instead of throwing that dream away” It’s from Kiss and Make up. Sometimes we hold and internalize resentment over the tiniest of things, especially we females. Self included. I’m learning to let those things go more quickly- life is much more pleasant!

What’s a song of yours that has really touched people?

How much I love you- penned for my husband and recorded on my first record has been very well received. Chocolate on this upcoming CD is a close 2nd !  It’s about women and chocolate -what’s not to love?

If you could co-write with anyone living or dead, who would it be?

Bryan Adams- he has a way with melodic & emotional/ lyrical connection that makes me swoon.  He’s still touring and I think he’s a fabulous artist as well as songwriter. After that, it would be Alan and Marilyn Bergman. The Great American songbook is filled with their songs and they are always a piece of artistic beauty.

Creative way to say I Love You

All about Love!

It’s almost February! I can hardly believe the first month of 2014 is gone. Alas… time flies when you are busy and having fun! It’s that special time of year when we celebrate romantic love! Romantic jazz is a perfect way to set the mood…so….want a creative way to say I LOVE YOU this year?  Gentlemen…a creative marriage proposal? Send me with a singing telegram!

I enjoy celebrating life…dinner with family, friends. Going out of my way to make my loved ones feel special is a joy. I was truly honored when a dear friend asked me to make her husband’s birthday special by delivering a singing telegram.

Singing to Archie

Here I am singing at his 50th birthday dinner party! Boy was he surprised….

I do a limited amount of private performances each year. Recently, I’ve been receiving so many requests for singing telegrams  I thought I would offer them in February in honor of Valentine’s month. Limited times available for Valentine’s day so book today!

If you are out of state -singing telephone grams are also available. Or you can fly me to your piece of the world…just sayin’

For more info, pricing send an inquiry to

Unexpected Angels…..

Christmas preparations have been keeping me busy and alas, I am a little behind in posting my blog. Enjoy!

Last year during the Christmas season, I had the privilege of singing with my family…yes, husband, daughter and son! We dressed as Angels and walked around our church reminding everyone that angels sang glad tidings of joy. Interestingly enough, some people smiled but most went about their conversations or bustled on their way to somewhere. The children, however, stopped what they were doing and ran to the doors to see and hear what was happening. Their faces were excited and eyes twinkling as this misfit band of “angels” strolled the corridors of the church and sang “Hark the Herald Angels Sing, O Come all ye faithful, and Angels we have heard on high.”  Mostly, they seemed expectant that something exciting was happening! I was struck by the difference in response of adults vs children. Life is hard, we have seen that  with the horrible tragedies that have happened around the world and the economy, loss of jobs and houses continues to affect many. Even so, all the more reason we should take a moment and celebrate that which we DO have in this moment and run expectantly to see what is coming down the hall with the eyes of a child. Just something to ponder…I am hopeful for the future  even with all the struggles of this past year and delighted to celebrate the Christmas season with my family and friends!

Speaking of unexpected Angels… Below is a picture of Virginia Stubblefield. She was our winner of the November Thankfulness contest! Her daughter, Phyllis Nichols nominated her and she was delighted that she won! I am re-posting Phyllis’s entry as well.

May your holiday season be filled with love, laughter and most of all the peace of the season.

Merry Christmas from My house to yours….



I too am thankful for my mom. She’s one of the nicest women you’ll ever meet and she’s one of those people who doesn’t know a stranger. She’s the first one to make people feel welcome and make sure they know how much they are appreciated.
She’s always positive even when things aren’t going as planned. When I was growing my dad was in the Air Force and my mom always chose to make each move a positive step for our family. I think that’s why to this day, I kinda like moving!
She’s a force when it comes to organizing and she’s a great cook. To this day, she takes requests from anyone coming to visit to be sure she cooks their favorite meals. And believe me, no one is shy about telling her exactly what they want!
She’s a great person, and a great mom. I’m lucky to have her in my life still cooking for me when I visit!

And the Winner is…..

Congrats to Phyllis Nichols and her mom … the winners of our Thankfulness contest!  Phyllis and her mom will be receiving the Chocolate truffles and music Gift package!

Thanks to everyone who entered and shared their stories. It was fun to hear who you were

thankful for and why. As a thanks to ALL of you,

please go to

and download your free songs. Including  a Christmas classic-O Holy Night.





Thanksgiving and spaghetti squash!

Thanksgiving is upon us…in one week! I’ve been busy making my menu and shopping list. We always have traditional foods…turkey, sweet potatoes, cranberry sauce, my sister’s baked corn …YUM!  Since finding I have a digestive sensitivity to gluten, however, I’ve been experimenting and searching for new recipes to try.  So today I’m posting one for you to try over the holidays when you are done with eating turkey.   This is my version of spaghetti  carbonara and although this version does not include eggs, it tastes  very similar. Enjoy my friends!

Roasted Spaghetti Squash Carbonara

I medium sized spaghetti squash

1/2  jar GF organic Alfredo sauce (ok…so I cheat a little)

1 cup frozen petite peas (thawed)

6 slices nitrate free bacon. (cooked crisp and crumbled)

3/4 C Shredded Parmesan cheese


Preheat oven to 375 degrees.  Cut squash in half lengthwise. Scoop out seeds. Place in a baking dish, cut side up. Slather generously with olive oil.  Bake for 45 -60 min. Check to see if it is fork tender in the thickest parts of squash. Allow to cool a bit then take a fork and scrape out spaghetti like strands of the squash and put in 2 quart casserole dish.  Toss with 1/2 a jar of the heated Alfredo sauce, peas and parmesan cheese. Salt and pepper to taste. (You can use more sauce if you like. I prefer less)

Garnish with crumbled bacon.

Easy peasy…. and no carb coma to follow!





November Thankfulness contest!

Happy November!

THIS Month I am launching my THANKFULNESS CONTEST! Got someone you are thankful for in your life?  Nominate them in my contest and if they win, you BOTH get a fabulous prize package of gifts and yummy goodies!(yes, yummy goodies = food and yummy food always includes chocolate!)  Each week I will add something to the prize package – music, food, maybe gift cards …. so check back weekly!

You must post  your nominees here in the comment section below. My team will read and we will choose a winner. EVERYONE who enters will also be in a DRAWING for a secondary prize.

Here are the details:

1) Their  Name (first name is fine for now) If you win, I will email you for last name and address or location. If it’s your favorite waitress or nurse at your doctor’s office that’s ok. as long as I can verify a name and address to send prize package.

2) Why you are thankful for them. Did they help you or do a kind deed? Are they a source of inspiration to your town? Neighborhood?  School? Do they greet you with a smile or go the extra mile with their service to you? Keep it brief but tell us the story.  Here’s your chance to say THANKS and win them (and yourself) a  gift bag full of goodies!



You must post  your nominees here in the comment section below. Here are the details:

Each week you can nominate another person you are thankful for until Nov 27!  We will reveal the winner on December 1, 2013 and send them their goody basket that week. If we have more than 100 entries,  we’ll give away a few more prizes …. so share this post on FB/Twitter and share the love! Let’s fill November with an attitude of gratitude

Happy “Thanks” Giving !

XO Debbie

Beach Vacation and productivity

Recently, I went on a beach trip with some girlfriends. This is NOT the norm for me. I usually only vacation with my husband and children. I travel for business usually alone but seldom do I take the time to decompress from ALL my responsibilities with girl friends. Except for the occasional ladies retreat at church. Still, there is an agenda for me there too-drawing closer to God for the weekend. This, however, was a trip where there were no expectations. No rules except everyone was responsible for themselves. Period. Want to go to the beach? For a walk? to dinner? Be with people or be alone? All OKAY! Everyday, I got up early as usual, made coffee and breathed in the silence as I watched the sun’s reflection rising over the waves. After coffee, I walked by myself for 1 1 /2 hours alone with my ipod along the water’s edge. (oh…mom..FYI…There were other people on the beach…just not walking with me) Some of you are laughing right now but my mom reads my blog and once a mother, always a mother (now that I am one-I get it) and I don’t want her to worry!  After that, I joined my friends who were  already sunbathing! Hours of catching rays, eating frozen grapes, grabbing lunch or just a snack. Reading a book or listening to music uninterrupted. Maybe a nap or another walk later in the day. Then showers, dinner, and a sunset break on the clear evenings….but NO email or work for me. Strange….in fact, my intention was to catch up on some work while there but I just couldn’t focus. My mind needed a break from everything- so I took it. Amazingly…as the week progressed, I found that creative ideas began to flow effortlessly into my head  for things I had been wrestling with for weeks before I left. I wrote them down so I didn’t forget but did not try to expound on anything. Just rest.WOW! What a difference. Now I am back home and my head is clearer, more organized and my productivity is definitely improved for all my work and responsibilities. Things that were stressing me out seem smaller now. So besides getting lots of R&R I decided to reflect on what really made the difference.

#1 First things first-

Everyday instead of hopping on email or FB first thing, I walked. I gave myself something I needed-exercise! (ok and a beautiful view!) Granted, at home I am getting breakfast for the family in the wee hours before school but after that I can delay email and walk first. The world will not fall apart if I don’t respond to email before 8 am!

#2 Less technology!

Yes, I listened to music and posted a few pics of the beach to face book but I did not feel the need to read email and stay current on everyone’s FB posts. My brain needed a break from constant contact and constant information! This alone cleared my mind! Technology is wonderful but it can put us on overload if we are not careful!

#3 Learning to take time every day to appreciate the beauty around you.

Each night at the beach when the sky was clear-no matter what we were doing- we took a sunset break. A few minutes to view the gorgeous color in the sky over the water. Something about that awe inspired view was stress relieving. I actually do that at home sometimes…but most days I am too busy and I forget. Appreciating the beauty around you even for just a few minutes can renew your senses.

#4 Find people in your age and stage to do life with and laugh often!

The fact that most of us were the same”age and stage” of life meant we had a lot in common. It seemed there was always something funny happening or being said and we would erupt into a chorus of laughter together! I LOVED that! It was fun to just chat about our lives, get to know each other better etc. Did I mention that these women were not my best friends….some were strangers and others were acquaintances I have known for years through church but truly did not “Know” much at all except their stats-husband ,3 kids and grandma to be, for example. Everything wasn’t all rosy in our lives either….we had all experienced or were experiencing trials or grief through unexpected circumstances and we were still able to find laughter and joy in the moments.

Through this trip, I was reminded once again how important it is to take care of ourselves ladies!  You know when the flight attendant comes over the intercom to say, “Please secure your own oxygen mask before you try to help someone else.” Well, it is that way in life. We must take care of ourselves if we want to be able to care for others. Let’s face it, as women, we have a lot going on! Most of us have spouses, families, jobs and houses to take care of….then there is extended family, friends, charities or PTO’s and committees….etc. It’s a never ending list. We must pick and choose what rises to the top of those lists and we need to keep ourselves from staying at the bottom or we will never be as productive as we would like to be!

All this from a beach trip…….I’d say that was productive! 🙂


A little bird out of the nest…..


I delivered my oldest child to college this month.  What a life changing experience as our young adult children leave the nest! Sad, but mostly sweet. It’s a huge accomplishment in my life as a parent and I’m excited to see where her hopes and dreams will take her…that a bit of hard work!  Here we are on her 18th birthday this summer. My how times flies!

I also gave  an interview  recently  with Neal Heart. He was curious about my life as an independent artist and some of the obstacles I’ve overcome in the process. Here’s the link….Enjoy!

See you in September!!


New Beginnings….

My youngest child started high school today and my oldest child leaves for college in a week. Hmm…change seems to be a theme in my life right now. Change can be wonderful or it can be frightening, depending on your perspective. Some see an ending of an era when their kids grow up. I see that, but simultaneously, it is a new beginning for all of us. I now have 2 freshmen  getting ready to have lots of new experiences and beginning to grow wings for their hopes and dreams in a fresh way. My husband and I have a new state of being as well. With 2 independent kids…our son is active in marching band and show choir and will be seldom home this fall except for evenings and Sundays. (seriously) Our daughter will be away at school. We certainly will be involved in their lives but also be courting a Pseudo-empty nest. At least our son will sleep here! Strange after having kids in tow for 18 years. I am finishing my next and working on a book and all that needs my attention. My dear husband has a corporate job that occupies lots of his waking hours but he will have a bit more time for his own creative endeavors, which have been on the back burner for a while. We might just have a little more time to spend together too. Which in a marriage is so important and takes a lot of intention in our busy society. Although I expect a few tears and have already shed some in this process of letting go, I am excited about the prospect of New Beginnings for all of us! What change is happening in your world and how do you feel about it? Comment below, I’d love to hear from you. 🙂

Relationships and Anniversaries…..

1987 to 2013…..

Last month, I celebrated my 26th wedding Anniversary. I was thinking about that today as I wished someone else a “Happy Anniversary.” In my latest newsletter, I shared a ‘ then and now ‘photo of me and my hubby too. 26 years….is a long time. Add to that 5 years of dating and high school sweethearts..umm you get the pic. We pretty much grew up together. We certainly made our passage into adulthood together. Sometimes, that can be  difficult because people change over the years. Life and circumstances change us…don’t they?  We started dating in high school!  We have been through so much- lots of fun family times, job promotions babies being born but also … family illnesses and deaths , divorces of our friends, financial ups and downs, 2 years of a sick baby boy = no sleep for parents and a daughter who had open heart surgery… life can throw you a few curve balls along the way and that doesn’t include what we brought into the relationship from our families or origin! My point is…relationships take work, investment of time and energy and  as we go through the years, it is important to celebrate those milestones!

So for all you celebrating Anniversaries this year…Happy Anniversary! My wish for you is to remember why you fell in love in the first place,be present in this moment and to celebrate well! Celebrations don’t have to be expensive. A picnic or a candlelit dinner on the back patio can be just as romantic as one in a restaurant but remember, you need music for the mood too! 🙂 So here’s my Anniversary Song and all my best wishes!


P.S. I’d love to hear from you- How have you celebrated your Anniversaries through the years?