November Thankfulness contest!

Happy November!

THIS Month I am launching my THANKFULNESS CONTEST! Got someone you are thankful for in your life?  Nominate them in my contest and if they win, you BOTH get a fabulous prize package of gifts and yummy goodies!(yes, yummy goodies = food and yummy food always includes chocolate!)  Each week I will add something to the prize package – music, food, maybe gift cards …. so check back weekly!

You must post  your nominees here in the comment section below. My team will read and we will choose a winner. EVERYONE who enters will also be in a DRAWING for a secondary prize.

Here are the details:

1) Their  Name (first name is fine for now) If you win, I will email you for last name and address or location. If it’s your favorite waitress or nurse at your doctor’s office that’s ok. as long as I can verify a name and address to send prize package.

2) Why you are thankful for them. Did they help you or do a kind deed? Are they a source of inspiration to your town? Neighborhood?  School? Do they greet you with a smile or go the extra mile with their service to you? Keep it brief but tell us the story.  Here’s your chance to say THANKS and win them (and yourself) a  gift bag full of goodies!



You must post  your nominees here in the comment section below. Here are the details:

Each week you can nominate another person you are thankful for until Nov 27!  We will reveal the winner on December 1, 2013 and send them their goody basket that week. If we have more than 100 entries,  we’ll give away a few more prizes …. so share this post on FB/Twitter and share the love! Let’s fill November with an attitude of gratitude

Happy “Thanks” Giving !

XO Debbie

About Debbie Cunningham

Debbie Cunningham is a romantic jazz/pop artist residing in Franklin,TN. She writes songs about staying in love, pursuing your dreams and living life as a mid-life female. She is passionate about her family, relationships, loving others well, sunsets and dark chocolate!


  1. What a cool idea, Debbie! I love this! 🙂

  2. I’m thankful for my mother, Kim Chisholm! She taught me some amazing things as a kid, and she still teaches me and guides me in my adult years. She is the greatest example of a giving and loving individual, not only to me and my family but to everyone she meets. She’s pretty great, and I’m so thankful for her! 🙂

  3. Debbie,
    I too am thankful for my mom. She’s one of the nicest women you’ll ever meet and she’s one of those people who doesn’t know a stranger. She’s the first one to make people feel welcome and make sure they know how much they are appreciated.
    She’s always positive even when things aren’t going as planned. When I was growing my dad was in the Air Force and my mom always chose to make each move a positive step for our family. I think that’s why to this day, I kinda like moving!
    She’s a force when it comes to organizing and she’s a great cook. To this day, she takes requests from anyone coming to visit to be sure she cooks their favorite meals. And believe me, no one is shy about telling her exactly what they want!
    She’s a great person, and a great mom. I’m lucky to have her in my life still cooking for me when I visit!

  4. I saw this quote yesterday and it made me so thankful for my friend, Melanie.

    “The best kind of FRIEND is the kind you can sit on a porch swing with, never say a word, then walk away feeling like it was the best conversation that you ever had”

    She’s one of the few people in my life who can sit in silence with me and it’s not awkward.

  5. Alex Wallace says:

    Today, and everyday, I am thankful for my grandfather Jon. I lost my own dad six years ago to heart disease and my grandfather took on the role as being a father figure to my brother and I. He and my grandmother moved in with us following my dads passing to help my family adjust. On days when my mother, who worked a full time job, couldn’t get me where I needed to go my granddad always took me. He did the things my dad would have done with me. For instance, he escorted me at a pageant because I didn’t have a dad on earth to do so for me. He has truly taken care of my family and for that I will be forever grateful. He is one of my bestfriends and I love him with all of my heart.

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