Album notes….

An answer to the question of why….

This album is a collection of songs I wrote over the time of 5 years. A time when I saw many of my friends struggling in their marriages mid-life & getting divorced which made me incredibly sad. As a child of divorce, I have always been passionate about making love last in my marriage and investing in our relationship. But I totally get the struggle. Relationships are challenging but so worth the investment of time and commitment! I penned these songs to encourage couples in their journey of staying in love. I think marriage is so much like dancing…by the time you learn the steps, the music changes and there is another dance to learn, all while trying not to step on your partner’s toes.
It is fun but it does require practice to get better! However, when you finally get to the point where the 2 of you are gliding across the floor and moving at the right pace and in the same direction, it can be the most exhilarating experience you have ever known. This is the kind of love that is filled with a Million Kisses over a lifetime. That is exactly what I wish for you…..
-Debbie Cunningham
For more info or to purchase this album please go to